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9:30-9:50    Daniella DePaulis     'COGITO in Space'


Live Discussion

Chat log

09:35:52 From Daniela de Paulis to Everyone : astrobiology and art by Erika Bloominfeld, in collaboration with NASA, the project is called Astromaterials 3d


09:36:05 From Carlos Mariscal to Everyone : Does anyone know if it is true that green is over-represented in our color vision relative to its spectral spread? I heard someone connect the peak of our Sun’s emissions, the color of plants, and our perception of green, but I forget exactly where that idea came from. 


09:36:15 From Kelly Smith to Everyone : @ Daniela: goody!


09:36:20 From Daniela de Paulis to Everyone : yep!


09:37:03 From David DeGraff (he/him) to Everyone : in a camera, half the columns are green. The others alternate red and blue to make the colors.


09:37:33 From Eric Hughes to Everyone : IIRC, green sensitivity in the protein for red-green sensitivity has a peak right at the most common chlorophyll line


09:37:41 From Alan Johnson to Everyone : Not specifically space art, but the work of James Turrell explores the perception of  light and color.


09:37:59 From Daniela de Paulis to Everyone : I love the movie ‘’Blue’’ by Derek Jarman, he made it after he became blind and describes the transcendental power of colours


09:38:17 From Dr Sheri Wells-Jensen to Everyone : Cool color hierarchy across languages: everybody has a words for light-white and blackdark. For some that's it. And you have to say  light-like-an-egg-yolk to mean yellow.  If they have three color words: the third one is always red. Then, if I remember right, the next one is yellow, then a kind of blue-green. Then, stuff loosens up. It's a little bit weird. 09:38:50 From Carlos Mariscal to Everyone : This is all fascinating. One of my colleagues studies perception, but he favors smell and thinks vision is overrated. Still, I’ll talk to him about this stuff


09:38:59 From Kelly Smith to Everyone : cool


09:39:38 From Nick Nielsen to Everyone : Diderot's Letter on the Blind is relevant here.


09:39:48 From Ted Peters to Everyone : My dog, Angie, likes vision but prefers smell.


09:40:07 From to Everyone : at SETI: Nelly Ben Hayoun and


09:41:47 From Dr Sheri Wells-Jensen to Everyone : It's interesting to examine sense words across language: English has a ton of visual words, but other languages have more words for hearing. And there are even a couple with a predominance of scent words.  Great big cross linguistic paper or this just a couple years back.


09:52:12 From to Everyone : Thanks Daniela! Love it. 


09:52:24 From Daniela de Paulis to Everyone : Thanks!


09:52:59 From Andrew Kennedy to Everyone : good work. like to discuss more


09:53:01 From Pauli Laine to Everyone : Nice talk and project!


09:56:28 From Robert.Kennedy to Everyone : Spider Robinson wrote some stories about that e.g., "Stardance"


09:56:35 From Dr Sheri Wells-Jensen to Everyone : Quaddies dancing! 


09:58:11 From David DeGraff (he/him) to Everyone : I want to see a gymnastics floor routine on the moon. 09:58:25 From David DeGraff (he/him) to Everyone : all gymnastics. And 



09:58:43 From Carlos Mariscal to Everyone : but not weight lifting


09:59:12 From Eric Hughes to Everyone : For real skill, do floor routines on an asteroid where you have to keep yourself from reaching escape velocity.


09:59:31 From Dr Sheri Wells-Jensen to Everyone : "Falling free" by Lois McMaster Bujold: a really good exploration of dance in zero G.


09:59:41 From Jim Schwartz to Everyone : Zima Blue by Alastair Reynolds is a depiction of a less-than-ethical artist when it comes to scale of disruption...


09:59:41 From Carlos Mariscal to Everyone : That would give a whole new meaning to the phrase “didn’t stick the landing”

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